Mini Solar Boat - The Making

After the exams in school, we went to Kim's house to make our mini solar boat (for the solar boat race on January 30). In the mechanics of the boat race, we are required to have a boat made up of recycled materials (and they gave us a list of the materials that they only approve). When we arrived there, we did not start at once. We first bought Cali in can and of course, use the can for the boat after we drink the content. We were instructed not to open the can with its opener at its top part because it will bore a huge hole and if that happens, we will have a hard time covering the hole since we have to use the can for the boat. We tried to bore a small hole at its side with a knife. Of course, doing that, the Cali squirted out of the can.. and of course, I got too wet (and I was not wearing an apron at that time.. yet.). Still, I had fun. Afterwards, we transferred the liquid to glasses. While waiting for the Cali to be all transferred up, we bought pizza (my favorite!!). After eating and drinking up the Cali, we started doing business. Kim's dad helped us a lot with our boat. He gave us instructions regarding the voltmeter, buoyancy, circuits, and stuff. It took us some time to finish the boat and we are planning to finish making the circuit this week.


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