What a Meaningful Gift

Wohoo!!! Dammit!!! Yey!!! Shit!!! Wow!!! Crap!!! I don't know how I should feel right now. Seriously.

This afternoon, I just got my first ever VIOLATION REPORT in school.

After being a student with clean records for 12 years, not to mention being an honor student, I finally got my first ever offense... and it's not just an ordinary student's deportment report -- but a violation report. It's like having three SDRs.

Oh the heck! I thought I was given this because I'm a part of a sorority; I cut class; I forged our principal's signature at the back of my notebook; I drank brandy; or something else that I might have done and was a really wrong thing to do. But then, I was given the stupid report for a not-so-reasonable explanation. It was written in the "others: __________" portion -- stated as, did not comply with school policy regarding the report card.

What the hell?! Was it my fault that no one from my side was able to attend the parents' meeting last week and get my report card? HELL NO!!! and besides, I even had a letter signed by my mother that no one will be able to attend the said meeting.

This sucks, there are a lot of grounds for violation that almost all of the students in our school are guilty of... but then, I had mine in the "others" category. Dammit!!! This is just so unfair!


Here are the possible offenses:
  • dishonesty, cheating, theft
  • smoking, possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • use of profane or indecent language
  • possession/distribution of indecent material
  • gross disrespect, discourtesy to school authority personnel
  • insubordination/defiance or abusive behavior towards school authorities
  • consistent disruption of lesson through inappropriate noise, excessive movement or disrespectful behavior
  • possession/use/sale (whether on or off campus) of dangerous drugs
  • refusal to cooperate with disciplinary sanctions
  • injuring the school's name and reputation through reprehensible public acts on or off campus
  • cutting class(es)
  • truancy
  • unauthorized departure from campus
  • forgery of ___ signature
  • threatening, intimidation, provoking fights, coercion
  • quarelling, fights, inflicting injury, assault
  • vandalism/destruction of school other property affiliation with any organization whose objectives and activity counter to school policies
  • possession or/use/sale of deadly weapons/firecrackers
  • violation in library rules
  • fraternity membership/involvement in hazing
  • consistent violation of school policies and regulation
  • violation of computer and internet surfing rules

Almost every student in school have violated one of these things. ARGGHHH!!!

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