Thursdays. Second Semester Thursdays. Loathe It.
Me with a can of Latte
Thursday. The day when we spend NINE F-ing hours of Biochemistry in school. Biochemistry is actually fun. Yeah, it is, indeed a very interesting subject. Laboratory experiments are always common. But in our class, I could say that 90% of us hates it. Why? Try attending this subject from 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening. Then do some kind of lab experiment that takes around 8 hours to finish. Not to mention an oh-so-demanding-(insert obvious noun here) where you have to write experiment papers that should look like you are doing an investigatory project. Yes, INVESTIGATORY PROJECT.
I started opening my laptop at around 10:30am. It was already near 8pm when I turned it off. I was able to type ten pages of it and yet, we were still not yet done with it. At the first few meetings and experiments that we do, we start our with the experiment and then write the paper; but then we tend to lack time. Being the leader, I make my groupmates do the experiment as I type the papers and discuss the results and stuff. Another reason of my doing the typing, is that they actually depend on me. I don't have to elaborate on this.
There are more damn things that have been happening in this forsaken subject but I won't be blogging about it for now since I have been very busy recently. Seriously. You'd curse with me.
Boredom and Some Shots for the lab set-up
...I have no idea why my webcam shots became over-exposed...errr., probably cause of the sunlight reflections since we were near the top floor...
Mariel, Me, Bianx, Kye
Stressed with the paper
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