Remembering the Past
I was checking my old files in my computer... then I opened a folder wherein I save there my important conversations with my friends... I can't believe that I find some things funny, and some things hurtful... though I must admit, that these are the reasons for what we are now today...
Different files, different stories...
Different files, different stories...
- At one file, I had this conversation with my friend, wherein he was asking me if he is in love or something, since he is thinking about this "girl" and this "girl" makes him smile, stuff like that.
This conversation happened last summer, about last April. When I've read it, I find it kinda funny since until now, he doesn't seem sure if he really loves this "girl." So what I did, I went online, and then sent the conversation to him... He said thanks for saving it and at the same time, his reaction was, "=))" (a smiley laughing out loud in ym). He was like, "U sure it is summer?" "U saved it? wahahaha" "Thanks anyway"
On the other hand, I won't say who this friend is, for safety purposes of course, since other people also read this blog, because it's not just you (whoever you are; whether you are one of my Gothic friends, friends, bestfriend, or some other student in school) who reads this blog and you might know who this person is...
- Then at another file, I had there a conversation with my boyfriend, we were far from each other at that time since it was our summer vacation, and that was the time when I was like, with my family and really really far from him (distance = ride a plane!)... We were missing each other.. blah 3x.. we were talking (:P I can't put much details... confidential!
- There was also a file wherein we were just teasing each other about different stuff... I find it really funny because we were like kids... like, preschool kids who are teasing each other yet crushing each other... somehow like that.. LOL
- I also found some files wherein I was fighting with my friends (That was the time when they haven't accepted that I'm a goth...) [I guess they were just concerned (?) about me... or they really don't want me being a goth (?)] ... anyway, it was a long time ago and we are okay again with each other now. :)
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